Friday 21 March 2014 @ 00:11  0 stares

im bored

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Thursday 20 February 2014 @ 03:00  0 stares

hello blogger! it's kinda awkward tbh lol. so i'm going to type about myself today. better prepare yourself. 

i'm nash! people usually call me nash. especially my close friends and online friends. but other people who's not so close to me calls me nashrah. my family calls me husna , una , nana lol. so, my full name is nashrah husna. get it?

i'm 12 years old. ( i posted this last year so i'm 13 now hiho ) ( ! update ! : i'm 14 now okbye ) (update again. happy new year, it's 2017 so i'm 15!)i'm so young. yeah i'll be taking my upsr exam soon. wish me luck! i was born on 3rd april 2002 <3 i really like april month because the month's name sounds beautiful to me hehe. 

i'm malaysian. i was born in kedah. then i moved to sabah and now i currently staying in selangor. it sounds pretty tired tho. 

i really like flowers since i was 9 or 10 something like that haha. my favorite flower is lilac because the meaning of it is first love! and it's purple! i really like to read the meaning of flowers. each of it are so pretty and so meaningful. 

my favorite color? i like white, grey , pink and purple. i don't get it why so many people really like black color. it's getting cliche' day by day. i don't know why every time i ask someone what's their favorite color, they'll answer black. black black black. i'm so tired hearing it.

my ideal type? i really really really like a boy with jawlines and cheekbones. idk why it's so attractive and eye catching! and a little bit muscle would be great tho. ah yes and when their arm veins are showing oh my goood. 

my bias is chen. the whole of exo! and the whole of magcon boys! especially matthew espinosa and cameron dallas. all of them are so adorable and good looking tho. i can watch their youtube channel all day long without getting tired hehe :)

here's some funfacts ( lol what fun) about me! xx

1. i don't like people being kind towards me. idk why. i'm so weird.
2. i really hate someone who uses the word ' bae ' it's so annoying and stupid. ops
3. i hate using soft filters for my pictures.
4. i hate science! very much.
5. i hate boys who only think about themselves! they think girls are so stupid.
6. i hate showing my face to public. like posting them on instagram and else blabla
7. i'm scared of cats :\ that doesn't mean i'm hating them.
8. i hate sweet thingy! yucks
9. i don't know how to use money very well. lol
10. i hate everything. including you! ok jk. 

So that's all HAHAHAHAHAHA. bye have a nice day babes. x